The ImageJ/FIJI Workshop Session 1 [Beginner] focuses on the effective use of ImageJ, a set of open-source tools for analysis of microscope images. To participate in real time, please download FIJI from: before the seminar. [Time: beginning - 1hr 30min]
AMT TEM Imaging Systems - Adam Manganiello and Harrison Fama describe new technologies in image acquisition and analysis that use FIJI. [Time: 1hr 31min - 2hr 2min]
The ImageJ/FIJI Workshop Session II [Novice, Advanced] for experienced users, will cover methods to take your ImageJ/FIJI analysis to the next level, with an overview of macro writing, batch processing, and automated analysis routines. AMT Imaging will present a demonstration of their hands-free, remotely operated hardware-to-analysis pipelines which take further advantage of advanced functions of ImageJ/FIJI. [Time 2hr 2min - 2hr 27min]
Jordan Yaron, PhD, Assistant Research Professor in the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport, & Energy at ASU. Dr. Yaron is interested in the role of innate immunity and inflammation in disease, more specifically how the apoptotic and inflammasome signaling pathways influence disease pathology and tissue injury and how they can be harnessed to augment repair.